Anyone want to stitch along?

Something clicked last week - and yet again I abandonned the Alphabet canvas project (did I mention I started this over 3 years ago for Hannah and now I'll be lucky to get it done by the time our youngest is reading???) and launched full-bore into another project. I've drafted out a cross-stitch design but have decided to take it a bit 'beyond'...Textured Treasures style. So larger areas of cross stitch are being replaced by other stitches - Smyrna cross, Bound Cross Stitch, Rhodes, Rice, etc. and probably, eventually, some beading and fancy thread overlays. I've done about 1/100th of it, and it seems to look ok. I have no idea how the end result will turn out or even if it will go to publication. But if you're interested on stitching this adventure along with me, send me an email at: ttreasures2000 at and I'll send you the chart. Be forewarned, this is a larger design and I am stitching it on aida for simplicity sake.
Labels: New Designs
Hi Karen -- Glad to see you are back designing -- I'm sorting and inventorying some of my stash, and tonight was your night -- so I've been online to see what I've missed and I found your blog -- not that I'm good with blogs, but I try.
Pat Rushton
Pat, at 4:23 AM
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