Textured Treasures

Monday, September 23, 2013

Need a new web site name!!

So things are ramping up again. Pastel Alphabet Sampler is out being framed; Celtic Mosaic is being transcribed; a draft copy of Sight has been completed - I am just waiting on sample fibres from DMC so I can stitch up the final version; and several other new designs are half-charted, half swimming around in my head....so it's about time to set up a web presence... BUT While I was off having children, I neglected to renew my domain and one of those domain pirates snatched it up and wants to charge me thousands to get it back. Which I don't have. SO I need to come up with some new ideas for domain names. I have tried a few but nothing seems to fit with me or Textured Treasures. I am hoping that someone out there in the ethereal world might have a suggestion - or two. I can design all I like, I can go to shows and exhibit, I can even do a retail show or two (hoping to get back into the Ally Pally show by 2015), but I don't think it will do much good unless there is a home for all the images of my work. That being said, I think I will need a good, yet artistic, web designer as well.


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